Although paying by cards is now commonplace, it’s always reassuring to know you have some cash to hand for emergencies. This Pia Monochrome Stripe Coin Purse key-chain is made exactly for keeping small change accessible.
Made from genuine soft leather in three contrasting shades of grey to black, it makes a stylish accessory. The purse is lined and there’s a very handy key-chain making it ideal for securing safely in your handbag. Not only does it provide security, it means you can easily find this gem of a purse at all times.
This coin leather purse has a zip top closure with leather zip puller making it easy to open and close. This Pia Tri coloured coin leather purse key-chain offers reassurance cash is on hand and is great for clutch bags.
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Pia Monochrome Stripe Coin Purse key-chain
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