Having suffered with problematic weak nails for most of my life and a drawer full of every conceivable product known to man for fortifying fingernails, when my partner suggested I try Vitry Nail repair treatment I was skeptical. Expecting yet another solution to be consigned to the drawer I did not have high expectations.
When it arrived I applied to my nails and renewed every three days as directed. To my surprise I noticed that my nails no longer snagged on my clothes as I dressed each morning and in days I began to see a difference.
I could actually start to see my nails above my finger ends and was thrilled.
I ‘d never even needed to cut my nails before as they always broke and was amazed at the difference Vitry Nail repair treatment had made.
I proudly began to paint my nails and actually started to receive compliments from complete strangers. The first one was in my local supermarket when out of the blue someone said my nail were lovely. I could have cried I was so happy. Now my nails have grown I simply re-apply Vitry once a week.
I will never be without Vitry Nail repair treatment and I can honestly say it’s changed my life!
So I ask, why pay for monthly expensive wraps & gels when VITRY will help you to grow your own nails?